Yeni Zelanda’nın dondurucu sularında akıntıyla sürüklenen dev buzul kütleleri yarattıkları manzarayla nefes keserken denizciler için büyük tehlike oluşturdu.
Yeni Zelanda Hava Kuvvetlerine ait helikopterden çekilen görüntülerde dalga ve rüzgarın etkisiyle sürüklenen ve her biri bölgede bulunan evler kadar büyük olan buzul kütleleri gri denizin üzerinde erirken yaydıkları buz mavi çizgilerle olağanüstü görüntüler verdi.
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New Zealand's Maritime Safety Authority has issued a warning to shipping after an iceberg 200 metres long and 50 metres high was reported only 43 nautical miles off the Otago Peninsula and heading towards the coast, it was reported on Wednesday.
An iceberg that size could be picked up on radar but others as big as a house travelling with it were less easy to spot and posed a danger to ships, fishing boat skipper Gavin Pope told the Otago Daily Times.
Air force pilots on fisheries surveillance patrols last week reported about 100 icebergs from the Antarctic floating 260 kilometres off southern New Zealand, the closest the frozen masses have been to the country for 75 years.
Later reports said the icebergs, one said to be nearly two kilometres long and 1.3 kilometres wide, were breaking up as they drifted north.
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