Afrika ülkesi Demokratik Kongo Cumhuriyeti'ndeki Nyamulagira volkanı, dün akşam faaliyete geçti.
Goma Volkanoloji Enstitüsü uzmanları, yanardağdan akan lavların 22 km mesafedeki Goma'yı tehdit etmediğini bildirdi. Yetkililer, şehir üzerinde gökyüzünün kızıla döndüğünü, lavların volkanı çevreleyen Virunga parkına aktığını belirtti.
Nyamulagira, son olarak 2004 mayısında püskürmüştü. Nyamulagira'nın birkaç km kuzeyinde bulunan Nyiragongo yanardağı ise 2002 ocağında Goma'nın yüzde 80'ini harap etmişti.
Gomalılar, yanardağın patlamasını sakin karşıladı. Şehirde panik veya telaş havası yaşanmadı.
Nyamulagira volcano has erupted near the eastern Congolese city of Goma. The latest eruption did not threaten the town, a senior vulcanologist at the scene said. "This seems like a big eruption. It is on the northwest side. The lava will be flowing to the north and not the south, where the town is." The Nyamulagira volcano last erupted in July 2002, hurling lava 200m into the air. Goma is not in the path of lava flows from Nyamulagira because its sister volcano, Mount Nyirangongo, protects the city. "Nyirangongo constitutes a barrier." Nyirangongo is about 13 miles northeast of Goma, while Nyamulagira is another 10 miles further to the northeast. They are the only two active volcanoes in the region. The larger Nyiragongo volcano erupted in January 2002, pouring lava over much of Goma and sending hundreds of thousands of people fleeing for their lives. The eruption of Nyirangongo destroyed about a fifth of the residential areas of Goma. About 100 people died as lava flows as deep as 10 feet overtook parts of the city of 500,000. Nyamulagira erupted later the same year, spewing plumes of lava 300 feet into the air, but without threatening Goma
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