Eric Julien isimli Fransız, eski bir askeri hava trafik kontrolörü ve havaalanı müdürü 73P Schwassmann-Wachmann isimli göktaşının parçalarından bir tanesi 25 Mayıs tarihi civarlarında (2-3 gün önce ya da sonra olabilirmiş) Dünyaya çarpacakmış. Atlas Okyanusu’na düşeceğini iddia ettiği parça, büyük bir dev dalga (tsunami) oluşturacakmış
NASA, göktaşının yaklaşık 40 küçük parçaya da ayrıldığını ve 12-28 Mayıs tarihleri arasında Dünyadan 5.5 milyon mil uzaktan geçeceklerini belirtiyor. Yani göktaşı ve parçaları, Dünya ile Ay’ın arasındaki uzaklığın 20 katı kadar uzaktan geçeceklermiş.
Eric Julien’de diyorki, göktaşından kopan parçaların hızları bazı fiziksel (çekim güçleri vs.) sebepler yüzünden değişirse ve Dünyaya çarparsa??
What will occur on May 25, 2006? Perhaps a planetary catastrophe originating from the Atlantic Ocean due to a medium size impact event. On this assumption, a series of giant waves, including one méga tsunami almost two hundred meters in height, will be born from a succession of underwater eruptions. These watery giants, decreasing with distance, will touch the majority of the Atlantic coasts; in particular, those most at risk lie between the equator and the tropic of Cancer. The victims of May 25 2006 will be tens of millions. The devastated survivors will be more numerous still. The economic losses will be enormous, well beyond the scales of destruction hitherto tested by our civilization. North America and Europe will not be saved, but will be affected in less dramatic proportions. By extension, other remote countries will be also affected.
A heavenly object, hardly larger than a truck, but animated by an enormous kinetic energy - its speed will be approximately 40 kilometers/second - will strike the Earth after having crossed the thick atmosphere of 80 kilometers, then the oceanic depths of 1500 meters at this place, to reach and shake the zone of the dorsal the mid-Atlantic rift crossing from North to the South on the Atlantic ocean floor. Currently, tens of underwater volcanoes lie largely dormant, ejecting very small quantities of magma emerging from gigantic chambers. They will break out, heating the sea water to a boiling point. It is the vision that I had approximately three years ago. It happened again on April 7 2006 at 10 pm while I meditated on the shores of the Pacific with two other people. I received information supplementing this vision: the date, MAY 25, 2006!
devamı : Eric Julien The Day of Destiny
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