
Tayvan Dehşeti İki Kez Yaşadı

Asya'yı vuran tsunami felaketinin ikinci yıldönümünde Tayvan iki büyük deprem ile sarsıldı. Okyanusun dibinde maydana gelen deprem sonrası ortaya dehşet görüntüler çıktı...

Asya'yı vuran 250.000 kişinin ölümüne sebep olan tsunami felaketinin ikinci yıldönümünde Tayvan iki büyük deprem ile sarsıldı.Okyanusun dibinde 7,2 ve 6,4 büyüklüğündeki depremlerin ardından tsnumi korkusu yaşandı. 2 kişinin öldüğü ve çok sayıda binanın yerle bir olduğu felaket sonrası ortaya yine dehşet görüntüler çıktı. Tayvan'da ölü sayısının artmasından endişe edilirken kameralara yansıyan görüntüler tüyleri ürpertti...
Haber 7

A strong undersea earthquake of magnitude 7.1 has struck off Taiwan, followed by a powerful 6.4 aftershock 10 minutes later. No damage or injuries were immediately reported, but correspondents say the quake could be felt across the island. The quake swayed buildings and knocked objects off the shelves in Taipei. The tremors come on the second anniversary of the Asian tsunami, which claimed almost 250,000 lives. And it comes on the third anniversary of the Bam, Iran quake which killed over 26,000.
One person was killed and 24 others wounded in Hengchun in what is known as the LARGEST QUAKE IN A CENTURY. At least a dozen houses in Hengchun collapsed in the first hit. Half a dozen fires broke out in Hengchun and telephone communication was cut, while scores of people were reported trapped in hotel and department store elevators in nearby Kaohsiung and Pingtung. Seismologists in Taipei located the epicenter of the first quake some 21.9 kilometers off Hengchun.
The first aftershock shook Taiwan eight minutes after the earthquake and measured 7.0 on the Richter scale. Four minutes later came the third shock - at 5.2 on the Richter scale - and three hours later came the fourth aftershock, which was measured at a 5.5. The original earthquake and the first aftershock each lasted more than 1 minute.

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