Rusya'nın doğusunda yer alan Şiveluç volkanının patlama anı kameralar ile saniye saniye görüntülendi. Büyük bir gürültü ile patlayan volkandan etrafa lavlar yayıldı...
Rusya'nın doğusundaki yanardağın patlama anı saniye saniye görüntülendi. Şiveluç yanardağı büyük bir gürültüyle patladı. Yaşanan ani patlamayla etrafa yoğun bir kül bulutu yayıldı. Ve ardından lavlar dağın tepesinden aşağıya doğru akmaya başladı. Yanardağın bulunduğu bölgede yerleşim yeri olmaması olası faciayı önledi.
Shiveluch Volcano Erupted
Second Volcano Erupts in Russia`s Far East in Two Days - a second volcano has erupted on the Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia�s Far East, spewing out ash up to an altitude of 6 miles. A village 31 miles away from the Shiveluch volcano was covered with ash, and volcanic tremors were registered in the area. Officials have instructed local residents to avoid leaving their houses as particles of volcanic ash hanging in the air could cause poisoning and serious diseases. Shiveluch, the northernmost active volcano on Kamchatka, is the second to erupt on the Pacific peninsula in two days. The other volcano which has erupted recently is Bezymyanny, which is about 62 miles from Shiveluch. Experts said the outbursts are not linked as the volcanoes belong to different magma chambers and their almost simultaneous eruptions are a coincidence. About 450 minor quakes were registered daily near a third volcano, Karymsky. Experts from the Moscow International Institute for Earthquake Prediction and Computing Geophysics earlier said there was a 30% probability that an earthquake of more than 7.2 will hit Kamchatka in December
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