Filipinler’in doğusunu 2 gündür etkisi altına alan şiddetli Durian tayfununun yol açtığı çamur selinde ölenlerin sayısının 388’e yükseldiği bildirildi.
Filipinler’deki Kızılhaç sözcüsü Teresa Arguelles, çamur selinde 96 kişinin kaybolduğunu ve kötü hava koşulları yüzünden kurtarma ekiplerinin bölgeye gidemediğini, bu yüzden de ölü sayısının artmasından endişe edildiğini belirtti.
Albay bölgesinde rüzgarın şiddetinin yer yer saatte 150 kilometreye ulaştığı ifade ediliyor.
388 dead' as Super Typhoon Duria hits Philippines
Tropical storm Durian, packings winds in excess of 150 kilometers (93 miles) an hour was upgraded to a typhoon as it swept across the Philippine Sea towards the northern island of Luzon.
Red Cross officials in Manila reported at least 388 people were killed when Typhoon Durian slammed into the Philippines Friday, triggering volcanic mudslides and flooding.
In addition, at least 75 people are trapped or missing.
"Rescue teams have been sent out by boat but many areas are inaccessible," said. Gwendolyn Pang, executive assistant to the Red Cross director in Manila.
The Philippine weather bureau said Wednesday the storm intensified overnight into a typhoon and is forecast to hit Manila in the next two days.
The presidential palace ordered all schools to be suspended in Manila and nearby suburbs Thursday, as well as provinces in the eastern seaboard expected to be affected by the storm.
Bureau forecaster Bobby Rivera said the typhoon had increased its threat to central Luzon.
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